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Cockpits, hollow wooden balls, and a giant horse. I want to sleep in all of them one day.  Call it my Bedroom Bucket List.

In the news recently was a description of a hotel in Sweden that is housed in a converted 747 jumbo jet, where the guests can actually sleep in the cockpit of a decommissioned plane. And while this is a little unusual, sleeping in a plane isn’t all that big a stretch.


Bed in a Tree

But it got me to thinking about some of the strangest places to sleep in the world, which just happens to be a quirky little thing I like to research. In fact, for Christmas one year, I bought Henk this book, Bed in a Tree, thinking that he shared my love for bizarre abodes. Apparently not.

But I know there are others out there like me, so here are a few places, courtesy of one of my favourite websites, that just scream ‘you gotta sleep here!”

1. Free Spirit Spheres

This one’s in Canada, and I will definitely make my bed in this ball the next time I go anywhere remotely close to the West Coast. I just hope the diameter of one of these units is at least 6 foot 2, (Henk’s height) or I’m gonna hear about it, I think. I mean, how COOL is this?

Free Spirit Spheres

Free Spirit Spheres, BC

Mira Mira


2.  Trojan Horse Suite at La Balade des Gnomes

Never mind moules et frites, or Belgian chocolates, THIS is a reason to visit Belgium in my books. Any old architect can build a palace full of rooms, it takes real vision to put a bed in a horse.

Tell your friends you slept in a horse, just for fun.

3. ???, Australia

I have absolutely no idea what this is supposed to be, and I don’t care one bit. There’s something about rooms without any corners that appeals to me. Plus it will keep my builder husband on his toes figuring out how many building codes these Aussies are breaking.

Mira Mira suites

Nevermind ‘The Bachelor’: this is 1 of 3 fantasy suites at Mira Mira

4. Museum Cave Hotel, Cappadoccia

Ever since I learned that people actually lived inside the ‘fairy castle’ hoodoos in this famous area of Turkey, I’ve been fascinated with the idea of seeing them. Although this hotel is only modelled after the famous geological formations, not actually built inside one of them, I’m still IN.

Cave hotel Capadoccia

Turkey’s caves don’t come any cozier.

5. Finally, one for the ‘What Were They Thinking’ Category

I’m just trying to contemplate the thought process that goes into creating an art installation/hotel where the concept is that you sleep inside a giant human intestine….yeah, I got nuthin’. So if this is the entrance to ‘CasAnus’….

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…I’m guessing the sphincter is the exit?

Sometimes all you want when you’re travelling is a comfortable bed – but if you want a story that goes along with it, these hotels certainly deliver more than a Holiday Inn ever could.

And after all, just because we’re grownups doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun.

Jane with Hat Tanzania

Jane Canapini is a member of the Travel Media Association of Canada and the North American Travel Journalists Association. She established in 2014 to share information and tips based on personal experience so her readers could get the most out of their travels.

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