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I’d like to think that my appreciation for New York City didn’t really stem from watching Sex and the City for all those seasons, but the truth is, Carrie Bradshaw and her posse certainly contributed to my attraction for the Big Apple.

I also think that to really appreciate New York City fully, it helps to be a grownup. Not just because it means you have a little more money to enjoy some of the finer things (after all, we don’t all have Carrie Bradshaw’s expense account), but also because NYC is a lot of city for a kid to take in. I know, because when I took my first bite out of the Big Apple it was during the grittiness of the early 80’s, and it spit me out, not the other way around.

Grand Central Station and the Chrysler Building

Grand Central Station and the Chrysler Building

These days New York is a different city. And in fact, for several years now, it has been the destination of choice for myself and several friends to celebrate significant birthdays and occasions by heading down to NYC on American Thanksgiving weekend. It’s almost become a girls’ weekend tradition. And we choose this particular weekend for 3 very good reasons:

macy's parade

Macy’s Parade fills the streets of NYC.

1) Being Canadian, we’ve already done our own turkey thing and because it’s not our holiday, Canadian airfares aren’t inflated to take advantage of holiday travellers who are desperate to get home. Score!

Fifth Avenue gets all decked out to start the holiday shopping season on Black Friday.

Fifth Avenue gets all decked out to start the holiday shopping season on Black Friday.

2) Black Friday. Those two little words are music to the ears of shoppers everywhere, even here in Canada with online shopping feeding the frenzy for this all-American sell-off/kick-off to the Christmas season. And what better place to check out holiday bargains than in the core of the Big Apple itself (not the computer store at 5th avenue and Central Park – although that is pretty spectacular in its own right.)


The Apple Store at 59th and Fifth Avenue

3) The Romance of Christmas in New York. Being a Christmas weenie, this factor scores high on my list – because this time of year provides some pretty spectacular eye candy in the form of the holiday windows at Bergdorf Goodman and the famous tree in Rockefeller Centre. Usually it’s not too cold yet, making it fun to check out the Christmas markets where you can buy a belgian waffle drizzled in chocolate, or stop by one of the urban ice rinks at Bryant or Central Parks. There’s definitely something about visiting a city when it’s all decked out in its holiday finest – and even the stores on Fifth Avenue are dressed up for the madness about to descend come Friday morning.

The tree at Rockefeller gets lit up a few days into December if you want an excuse to extend your stay!

The tree at Rockefeller gets lit up a few days into December if you want an excuse to extend your stay!

Bergdorf Goodman's spectacular window displays

Bergdorf Goodman’s spectacular window displays

Saks Fifth Avenue's snowflakes seen from Rockefeller Centre

Saks Fifth Avenue’s snowflakes seen from Rockefeller Centre

Of course, it wouldn’t be a trip to NYC without a nod to the Sex and the City gals and the legacy they’ve left. I have to admit, for example, to having indulged in the Magnolia bakery cupcakes (let’s face it, something started this whole cupcake craze thing).  And Buddakan is more than a great dinner set for the SATC characters – it definitely lives up to any gastronomic expectations you might have and then some.

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and energy of New York at this time of year, especially with good friends in tow – imagining ourselves like Carrie and her friends, shopping the streets and sharing stories while we devour the Big Apple and all it has to offer.  And even though we know the glitz and glamour of Sex and the City may only exist in our imagination, it’s still fun to get a taste of it for a weekend.

In fact, we think Carrie would recommend it. I certainly do.

TIP: NYC is not a cheap city when it comes to accommodation, but deals can be found, and I’ve used Priceline to find reasonable hotel rates in the Financial District, in particular. (Seems like come Thanksgiving holiday weekend, the suits head for home, too.)

Jane with Hat Tanzania

Jane Canapini is a member of the Travel Media Association of Canada and the North American Travel Journalists Association. She established in 2014 to share information and tips based on personal experience so her readers could get the most out of their travels.

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